Apparently I got back to Canada just in time to watch Toronto burn down.
Somehow I ended up watching a lot of this from about 30 feet up on a roof from where the photo was taken. I would give photo credit for the above picture if I could remember where it even came from. I can, however, give credit to the violent G20 protesters. Thank you for protesting the obscene cost of security ($1 billion dollars) by breaking/burning things, which in effect somewhat justifies that cost and will consequently cost the city that much more for repairs and replacing all the cop cars you burned. Sorry to everyone actually standing up for something they believed in and who's voices were lost amongst all the chaos.
Graham, Hayden and Ryan (and Justin Bieber) made a video during the mess.
I try to keep life simple by drawing on things.
(The lettering was an existing piece)
(Anchor was an old piece)
Rough sketch for your next tattoo?